Make a boring workout more fun by grabbing a partner and running through this couple’s workout.
Repeat 3 to 5 times, 10 to 15 reps each.
- Plank High Fives
- Medball Pass w/ Squats
- Crunch Passes
- Assisted Pistol Squat
- Leg Press
- Partner Leg Drop
- Wheelbarrow Pushup w/ Squats
- Side Plank High Five
Check out all the exercises below!
Plank High Fives
Get into plank position facing one another. Lift right arms, high five, return to start. Repeat on each side for the intended number of reps.
Med Ball Pass w/ Squat
Crunching person lays on the ground with a medicine ball in hand. Squatter gets into position. Cruncher lifts up and passes the ball to the squatter, who holds it while the cruncher goes back down and comes back up to retrieve it.
Make it a little hard and have the squatter do a squat each time the cruncher does a crunch.
Crunch Passes
Both people lay down flat, arms overhead. One person holds the medicine ball, both crunch up, the ball gets passed and both lay back down. Repeat, passing the ball back and forth and crunching between each pass.
Assisted Pistol Squat
Assister holds the squatter’s hands as they lower down into a pistol squat. Rise back to the start and repeat for the allotted number of reps. Switch roles and repeat.
Leg “Press”
One person lays on the ground while the other leans onto their feet like a weight. The leg presser pushes legs up to straight, repeating until all reps are completed. Switch positions and repeat.
Partner Leg Drops
One person lays on the ground and raises legs so a standing person can push them down. Brace core to control the fall and then raise both backs up to be pushed down again. Switch roles and repeat.
Wheelbarrow Pushup w/ Squat
One person gets into plank position and a standing person grabs legs. Together, both people go down into pushup and squat, return to start, and repeat.
Side Plank High Five
Both people get into the side plank position, back-to-back. Start with your arm extended into the air, brace your abs and reach down between your arm to high-five the person behind you. Return to start and repeat.